grab Miss Beth’s ABC booklist

a downloadable list of all Miss Beth’s favorite books for teaching your child their ABC’s

Hi, you can call me Miss Beth. I’m the founder of Big City Readers, host of the Play on Words podcast, and an early development and literacy consultant for schools and libraries in Chicago and all over the globe!

I spent years working in classrooms and as a reading interventionist witnessing kids facing the same reading problems over and over again. And I realized these were problems I could not just solve, but prevent. Enter Big City Readers! Our focus is on early education for parents of kids 0-5, yes before they’re even talking, to lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning success.

Since we launched, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of kids (and their grown ups!) develop strong reading foundations for life and nurture a love of learning.

our go-to faves

in-depth masterclass

Unlocking literacy with Miss Beth

Your 60 minute crash course in everything you need to know about teaching kids how to read.

Designed for both teachers and parents of children 2-8, this class is for you if you’re ready to see the JOY on your children or student’s faces when they confidently become readers.